Wednesday, November 15, 2006

If I May...

I need to give out-of-control-mad-props to our very own Lemon Melang for creating two of the most well-crafted, delicious cakes I've had the privilege of scarfing down.
Created exclusively for her man- who will heretofore be referred to as Johnnycake Grits, the cakes consisted of one ELECTRIC GUITAR and one 45 RECORD!

Can you even believe your eyes?? And they were DELICIOUS! The guitar was covered in a buttercream frosting that met all my personal standards of how the ideal buttercream frosting should taste. It was smooth, but not too slick or oily. Buttery, but vanilla was totally in effect. In short, I literally creamed myself. I pulled Miss Melang aside then and there, blathering on and on about it while simultaneously licking my blue frosting-tinted fingers...just ask her. That lady is grace under fire.

Then the 45 cake...whoa. Serious ganache, kids. I'm talking rich, intense, chocolately ganache goodness. I was beside myself. I still am, clearly.
Hopefully, Lemon Melang will share some of her secrets with us... maybe she could post some kind of PowerPoint presentation about the whole thing...from concept, to design, to baking, then decorating. This is really serious.
I know other DOTM ladies were in attendance last night...will you all post your own rapturous experience from her cakes on here too, so I'm not the only one spazzing out?

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